Friday, November 23, 2007

The Lunacy of Annapolis

Imagine, Ashley Ann Smith, a 17 year old junior at Johnson Senior High School, is scheduled to sit down over the weekend with the following men to discuss the chaperone guidelines for the upcoming Junior and Senior prom:

- Ted Bundy

- Charles Manson

- Albert DeSalvo

- Richard Ramirez

You would call that nuts, yes? Complete lunacy, wouldn't it be?

But, for the State of Israel to sit down with the likes of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, etc. is considered a move towards possible peace? Now I realize that President Bush feels the pressure of maintaining the hopeless tradition of all American Presidents of calling for a Middle East Peace Conference, but to stage this lunacy now, with what is going on in the world, isn't just a sign of insanity but is destined to make matters worse.

Consider this:

1. Iran, a country not invited to this Conference, has publicly committed itself to the destruction of Israel. And Iran at the same time is about 12-18 months away from having nuclear weapons that will reach Tel Aviv. A "miraculous" peace accord is reduced to a uranium drenched dust field in a matter of months.

2. Lebanon is perhaps days away from falling under control of Hezbollah and/or Syria

3. Saudi Arabia's biggest qualifier to attending so far is the demand that they do NOT have to shake hands with or come close to Israeli flesh.

4. Syria wants Israel to give them the Golan Heights BEFORE they show up in Annapolis

5. Hamas and Hezbollah continue to hold Israel soldiers hostage.

One other point to consider. What possible concessions could the Arab nations give to Israel? What...that they will cease the terror and murder of its citizens? Ummmm...knock knock, puddin' heads, that's NOT a negotiations concession. Oh, the Arabs might recognize Israel's right to exist? That would be like Ted Bundy telling our girl Ashley he'll be a "good boy" on prom night.

President Bush, if you insist on holding this farce, then I implore you to stand up at the onset of this conference and after welcoming the Arab and muslim slime to the event, clearly state that there is a motorcade of limousines outside the front door at that very moment ready to take any country immediately back to the airport, that will not stand up and condemn all terrorism against Israel and who will also not recognize Israel's right to exist and to live in peace.

I imagine that statement would leave the weekend for a good one-to-one chat with Olmert.

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