Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Score: Islamist Terrorists 10,000 Rest of the World 0

Apparently the "Religion of Peace" has hit 10,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11.

Let's break that down:

Islam - 10,000 terrorist attacks
Judaism - 0 terrorist attacks
Christianity - 0 terrorist attacks
Buddhism - 0 terrorist attacks
Taoism - 0 terrorist attacks
Mormonism - 0 terrorist attacks
Hindu - 0 terrorist attacks

Bottom line, it's not a "Religion of Peace" folks because it is NOT A RELIGION! It's a political ideology. Let me repeat that. Islam is a political ideology, not a religion.

Look at the list above and in your mind, keep Islam on the list but remove all of the genuine religions and replace those with: Communism, Marxism, Nazi-Fascism. Then you would see some numbers to accompany those of Islam.

When I sit down with family tomorrow at Thanksgiving, it will be a time for me to bow my head and thank The Father for sparing the U.S. of A. from another attack since 9/11. As you can see, the rest of the world has not been so fortunate in escaping the violence of this fake religion.

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