Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Islamist Forum Member Suggests Stirring Up Racial Tensions Between Blacks and Whites In America

Islamists do like their internet forums and chat rooms. In this piece reported at MEMRI, an islamist in an internet forum called Al-Hesbah, who calls himself Al-Jawfi, wrote the following along with additional ideas from his gang of goat loving pediophile followers:

Al-Jawfi wrote: "I suggest that brothers who are fluent in English write messages, phrasing them skillfully in such a way [that they will seem to be] written by a black person slandering [the whites] or by a white person [slandering the blacks]… "

Forum member "Abu Hamed" wrote in response: "… I'd like to suggest a very simple idea: to quote [inflammatory] stories and sayings from [American] movies in order to spread civil strife among [blacks and whites]. For example, there is a movie called I Am Legend. According to its plot... the only person left in the sane world is black, while all the others have been infected by a virus and have turned into human monsters. We should visit forums of black Americans and present whites as monsters of this kind [that] should be exterminated…"

A regular forum participant, "'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Faqir," recommended to "collect racist images of blacks, or else materials that incite against whites, and call to take revenge upon them... translating [those materials] that need to be translated - providing that they are translated into colloquial American, preferably using expressions [characteristic of] black or white [English]..."
A member calling himself Al-Andalusi wrote: "I am currently living in the West… I'll write racist expressions on fences in order to generate antagonism between [blacks and whites], especially with the elections coming up. I speak fluent English…"

Forum member "Abu Suleiman Al-Sa'di" added: "One way to spread hatred is [to post] racist jokes. Here are some [examples], collected by one of the brothers. All of them are against blacks, but the brother has promised to collect some jokes against whites [as well]…"
What this shows is more intent by islamists that America is enemy #1 and that the goal of islam is to ensure the destruction of America by submission to Sharia, terrorist attacks, and/or societal upheaval via the kinds of propaganda outlined here or put forth by outfits like CAIR.

Remember, these are the same characters who fly into a rage at the slightest innuendo of criticism of Allah or Mohammed but they exalt their god or prophet with this type of activity. Religion of Peace? Try Ideology of Hate and War.

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