Wednesday, June 25, 2008

52 Percent Of Indonesians Favor Implementation Of Sharia Law

Oh boy. Indonesia is the world's most populus muslim country with over 200 million followers of islam and it appears they want to take the next step and see sharia law implemented in their land. Well, almost. Let's take a look at some of the results from the article here at the Telegraph:

A majority of Indonesians would like to see Sharia law implemented in their country, a new poll shows, although only a minority favour the harsh measures sometimes associated with the system.
The poll of 8,000 people in the world's most populous Muslim country, home to 200 million Muslims, found that 52 per cent favoured some form of Islamic legal code, such as religious arbitration in family disputes.

"A lot of people think the idea is very good, but when you start talking of every day implications, the number dropped," said Ira Soekirman of Roy Morgan Research, an Australian company which conducted the survey.

Well, I'm not sure the Indonesians totally understand it or not but when you put sharia law into place, it's forever kids and there isn't like a Level One to it. It's harsh and it's forever - like herpes.

Indonesia, like so many other muslim countries, is being pushed into a more strict setting of islamic extremism and of course, the end result of sharia law is always the end game for the extremists. So, the majority of the people say sharia law is a good thing but look at this statistic from the polling:

Asked if women should be made to wear a head scarf 45 per cent said yes, while 40 per cent favoured chopping off the hands of thieves.
And I think the crux of all this is a nation of people who really aren't aware of what they are setting themselves up for - if only 40 percent favor the chopping off of hands of thieves, then what percent is willing to see the penalties afforded a woman who doesn't follow the sharia dress code? Bottom line is there are a number of islamists in Indonesia just licking their chops wanting to get sharia law wrapped around 200 muslims. Nothing like sending a quarter of a billion people back to the Dark Ages.

Indonesia backs sharia law, poll shows

A majority of Indonesians would like to see Sharia law implemented in their country, a new poll shows, although only a minority favour the harsh measures sometimes associated with the system.

Indonesia has traditionally practised a tolerant brand of Islam, although there are some trying to pull the country in a more conservative direction.
The government was recently forced to ban an unorthodox Muslim sect by violent street protests staged by hardline groups.
However, the country is regarded as one of the most successful world wide in confronting home grown jihadists.
Jemaah Islamiyah, which perpetrated the Bali bombings in 2002, has been greatly weakened in recent years.
The Indonesian policy towards terrorists has been characterised as more gentle than in other countries.

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