Friday, June 26, 2009

These Are The 8 Republicans Who Sold Out, Who Voted For Cap and Trade, Who Voted To Kill America

The list of Republican Congressmen/Congresswomen who got on their knees for Nancy Pelosi and allowed the Democrats to pass the Global Change Energy Taxation Bill today is below. Feel free to insert their alias, "Benedict Arnold", next to their names. Oh, and feel free to write each one of them and assure them that they have seen their last stint in the U.S. Congress:

Congressman John McHugh (R) - New York
Congressman Mike Castle (R) - Delaware
Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (R) - California

Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R) - New Jersey

Congressman Chris Smith (R) - New Jersey

Congressman Leonard Lance (R) - New Jersey

Congressman Dave Reichert (R) - Washington

Congressman Mark Kirk (R) - Illinois


Rose said...

F-ck them! Sorry for the Profanity but MAY THEY ROT IN HELL.

And when the first little old lady dies this winter for lack of heat in her apartment, it will be on their heads.

Boquisucio said...

Waxed Malarkey!!!

paranoidpyro said...

See? This is exactly why we need more moderate Republicans! I mean, imgaine if the Republicans in these seats had stood for conservative principles, why Democrats might be in those seats and then where would we be???

Oh yeah, /sarc

Sharku said...

Get a Rope.....

lysol said...

I always heard that New Jersey was hell. Now I have confirmation.