Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day: We Will Remember...For the Rest of Our Lives

"We were young. We have died. Remember us. ... We have done what we could But until it is finished it is not done. ... We have given our lives But until it is finished no one can know what our lives gave. ... Our deaths are not ours, They are yours, They will mean what you make them. They say, Whether our lives, and our deaths were for peace and a new hope Or for nothing We cannot say. It is you who must say this. ... We leave you our deaths, Give them their meaning." --Archibald MacLeish, American poet, writer and the Librarian of Congress

(Hat tip for Quote: Henry Bowman)


Maggie Thornton said...

When the greatest generation is gone, will anyone remember the Battle of the Bulge, D Day, Midway, Okinawa, Anzio or the Philippines? Or anything at all about WWII and WWI?

You're right Holger. It feels much more emotional this year because the country's politics are no longer heroic.

Henry Bowman said...

"Absent Comrades".......

God Save the United States.........